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Ilse Oosterlaken

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Academische Ondersteuning


Hieronder de aanbevelingen die ik in de loop der jaren verzameld heb, de meesten zijn ook te vinden op mijn LinkedIn profiel:

Ilse produced a video introducing TU Delft as the project leader of our EU Horizon Water Mining project, and created a website, a set of data visualisations and a great infographicon biohubs for our clean shipping project. A former academic researcher herself, she was able to quickly grasp our needs, ideas and concerns, and come up with proposals and solutions. Her probing questions throughout the process not only created results we are happy with, but also made the process valuable in its own right. We enjoyed very much working with her and I highly recommend using her for your own visuals!

Patricia Osseweijer

Professor of Biotechnology & society, Delft University of Technology

Project Mindprint [...] aims to develop a framework for holding companies responsible, not just for ESG (or CSR), but also for the impacts they have on individual human wellbeing. By integrating recent literature on this subject, Ilse has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the Mindprint concept of Corporate Accountability 3.0. Her analytical and writing skills have also been instrumental in arriving at the MindPrint narrative [...]. I enjoyed working together with Ilse - our creative cooperation has led to many new ideas!

Fred Gertsen

Principal Investigator MindPrint Project, Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge, The University of Chicago

At my invitation Ilse has held a keynote address on the fundamentals of the Capability Approach at our 2015 network event of the Research Centre for Community Care and Social Support (HAN SOCIAAL). She was able to explain clearly the rather complex conceptual framework to a mixed audience ranging from academic scholars to social work professionals and even citizen volunteers. It sparked dialogue and has helped greatly in setting future directions for our projects on the topic.


Associate Lector Lokale Dienstverlening vanuit Klantperspectief, Kenniscentrum HAN Sociaal, Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen

Ilse did a tremendous job organising – almost single-handedly – the first ever General Conference of the OZSW at Erasmus University in November 2013 – a convention that drew no less than 220 participants from all over the world and that has since become a yearly event.

Han van Ruler

Professor in Philosophy and Intellectual History, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Ilse is a well-organized and productive scholar, who managed to bring together various academic fields in her dissertation, and to combine high-quality intellectual work with smoothly organizing various important scientific events.

Peter-Paul Verbeek

Professor of philosophy of technology, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Twente

Ilse is a born scholar, but at the same time also a great organizer. She has just started work for her PhD, but she already publishes her work, gets invited for lectures at international conferences and manages to attract external research funding.

Sabine Roeser

Professor of Ethics, Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management, Delft University of Technology

"Scherp en precies rafelt Oosterlaken hun argumentaties uiteen, waarbij ze de wereldberoemde denkers flink van katoen geeft"

Juryrapport ABG Vrij Nederland essayprijs 2011

waarvoor ik een van de vijf genomineerden was, met een essay over de ‘capability’ benadering van Sen & Nussbaum

As a member of the Management Team of this 3TU.Centre of Excellence, I have come to know Ilse as an extremely efficient and well-organized policy / communication officer of the 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology. She really made things happen!

Tsjalling Swierstra

Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University

When I entered EIRENE NL Ilse was working there. She was activating the organization and taking a lot of good initiatives that helped starting the process of growth and professionalism of the organization. She is passionate about her work and a trustworthy colleague.

Paul den Hartogh

Executive Coach & Tutor , voorzitter EIRENE Nederland

Ilse did a fantastic job as project manager for the pilot phase of the FRR project to develop a quality mark for responsible (AI based) robotic products [in 2020]. She kept the team and the process on track, and her communication with external parties involved in the project was always skillfully crafted. I was especially pleased with the structure and content that she provided for the final report on the pilot phase. Her understanding of ethics of technology in combination with her analytical and writing skills led to a report that will assist us greatly in moving forward with our initiative.

Aimee van Wynsberghe

Co-founder & director, Foundation for Responsible Robotics

After we had a website built for the Delft Design for Values Institute, Ilse came in the picture to develop and manage its content. She is doing an excellent job, I’m receiving very positive feedback on our site from various stakeholders.

Jeroen van den Hoven

Scientific Director, Delft Design for Values Institute

While I was on maternity leave [in 2017], Ilse replaced me as assistant director of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW). I was assured to know that the organisation would be in very good hands. In addition to her regular tasks, Ilse did a great job in giving the OZSW site a thorough upgrade. She gave it a more modern, informative and attractive home page, found a good way to integrate new OZSW initiatives and made various improvements to existing pages and functionalities. [...] Ilse perfectly understands the academic context and has both a feel for ánd the technical skills to present it nicely on a website!

Christine Boshuijzen

Assistant Director , Dutch Research School of Philosophy

Ilse has been indispensable for the organization around and the implementation of the new bachelor program Philosophy, Politics & Economics, because of her excellent organizational skills, her eye for detail, and her extensive and broad substantive knowledge. On top of that, she is also very pleasant to work with.

Barbara Vis

Fenna Diemer Lindeboom Chair in Political Decision-Making, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

I worked with Ilse [in 2015] on the new site for the John Stuart Mill College and found her very focussed, technically skilled and passionate about WordPress. She has a great eye for details and managed to find the right solutions for the online content as well, while the project was enolving.

Gijs van der Hammen

Eigenaar BOOMVIS, Digital Publishing & Web Development

[From 2013 to 2014] Ilse has worked with me at Erasmus University, where she was assistant director of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW) during the first two years of its existence. With her organisational talents, her computer skills and her eagerness to tackle new questions, she proved to be exactly the right person for the challenging task of starting up this new organisation. Ilse is quite exceptional in her way of combining a very independent and pro-active attitude with a perfect intuition of the moment when, either because more input is needed, or for reasons of transparency, the time has come to discuss things with others, or to inform other parties. I have very good memories of the time when I had the pleasure of working with Ilse.

Han van Ruler

Professor in Philosophy and Intellectual History, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam

When I was hired in 2013 to design and develop a website for the OZSW, Ilse had already put a temporary WordPress site in place. With plugins she had added various useful functionalities, such as an event calendar. My job was to create an attractive design and add some more complex functionalities, such as the OZSW member database. Ilse, on behalf of the OZSW, was a pleasant client to work with. She had good ideas for the site and due to her WordPress knowledge it was easy to communicate with her.

Petra Baumann

Eiigenaar, FrauBaumann WordPress Beratung & Webdesign

Ilse Oosterlaken managed to conclude her PhD thesis, in three rather than four years, with the highest distinction. She is not only extremely well-organized, but also highly original and innovative.

Tsjalling Swierstra

Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University

Ilse did an exceptional job as the organizer of the 2011 HDCA annual conference in The Hague. The three-day event, involving over 350 participants and 7 pre-conference events, was hugely successful – both from a logistical perspective as well as the quality of the speakers and content of the panel sessions. As the HDCA’s Administrator, I know that this view is shared by others within the association. The structure and processes that Ilse put in place have served as a model for subsequent conference organizers.

Kathy Rosenblum

HDCA Administrator, Brewster, MA, USA

As a member of the HDCA 2011 international conference committee, I found Ilse’s coordination to be of high professional standards and commitment. She was able to communicate with people at all levels, she was a quick thinker, a problem solver, and was able to cope with tight deadlines and last minute pressures. Her work showed resourcefulness and originality. The conference that she organized in the Hague was a success, and that was to a great part due to her efforts.

Zinah Nimeh

Universitair docent, United Nations University-MERIT / Maastricht Graduate School of Governance

In her role as coordinator of the 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology Ilse shows thorough commitment, a pro-active attitude and she has an ability to do many things at the same time on an extremely high level.

Sabine Roeser

Professor of Ethics, Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management, Delft University of Technology