In de periode 2014-2016 werkte ik als postdoctoraal onderzoeker op een onderzoeksproject waarvoor prof. Martin van Hees subsidie heeft gekregen vanuit het NWO programma Kwaliteit van Leven en Gezondheid. Titel van het project is “Quality of Life and the Foundations of Health Policy.” Dit is de samenvatting uit de onderzoeksaanvraag:
The objective of this synthesizing project coincides with that of the NWO programme as a whole: to contribute to the further development of a conceptualization and measurement of quality of life that has practical relevance in health policy. The results and approaches of the various parts of the program will be integrated through a dashboard approach, which serves as the overall pluralistic framework. As a first step in the construction of the dashboard a general taxonomy of concepts of quality of life will be formulated. Subsequently a selection of relevant indicators and corresponding measures for health-related quality of life assessments will be made. Guided by the dashboard under construction but also itself forming input for that construction, is the subsequent formulation of normative issues and practical implications. With respect to the normative dimension, attention will be paid to the question of whether a quality of life reinforces systematic inequalities between different groups; the degree to which individuals can and should be held responsible for the quality of their lives; the limits of state action with respect to the quality of life of its citizens. In terms of practical implications the emphasis will be on the use of the dashboard for the assessment of (a) the inclusion or exclusion of health care interventions in the benefit package, (b) the standardization of health care and clinical practice guidelines development, (c) the evaluation of health policies, and (d) the development of technology on the basis of expected quality of life gains.”